How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by passenger buses

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by passenger buses

24 Sep 2019

Passenger bus is widely used by domestic tourists to travel from Hanoi to Halong because it is ve...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by private cars

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by private cars

24 Sep 2019

When you want your trip with friends and family to Halong Bay from Hanoi to become more private a...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by train

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by train

24 Sep 2019

While domestic tourists often travel from Hanoi to Halong Bay by passenger buses, trains are more...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by motorbike

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by motorbike

24 Sep 2019

From Hanoi to Halong Bay, there are many ways to move such as passenger buses, trains, private cars, or taking a Halong Bay cruise tour, etc. Of wh...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by taxi

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by taxi

24 Sep 2019

Perhaps taxis are the least popular option when traveling long distances because of the high cost. However, in some cases in a journey from Hanoi t...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by seaplane

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by seaplane

24 Sep 2019

Seaplanes are quite popular in many famous beach destinations such as the Maldives or Palm Beach of Sydney. They bring unique and unforgettable exp...

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by luxury bus

How to get to Halong Bay from Hanoi by luxury bus

24 Sep 2019

Convenient, safe, and fast are 3 of the adjectives we use to describe this means. Those are why luxury buses are chosen by most domestic and foreig...

Top 10 things to see that will blow your mind in Halong Bay

Top 10 things to see that will blow your mind in Halong Bay

23 Sep 2019

Halong Bay has been recognized by the UNESCO as the world natural heritage with countless interesting things to admire. Enjoy the most attractive s...

Seaplane in Halong Bay - Travelling instruction for tourists

Seaplane in Halong Bay - Travelling instruction for tourists

23 Sep 2019

Nowadays, besides cruises, you can see the magnificent beauty of the World's Heritage Site - Halong Bay by seaplanes.  That will be one...

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